Sunday, March 16, 2008

because you are dying to know more about me.....

Thank you Marissa for your "4 things" tag! I swear that I have done 40 of these..but at least it is an update!!

1. Four jobs that I have had in my life:
-celery planter
-strikers (mini-golf/laser tag girl!)
-hostess at gutheries
-hair stylist

2. Four Movies I would/have watch(ed) over and over:
-Fried Green Tomatoes
-50 first dates
-Walk the Line

3. Four places I have lived:
-Hudsonville, MI
-grandville, mi
-mt pleasant, mi
-byron center, mi

4. Four TV shows that I watch:
-Criminal Minds (b/c i have the secret soul of a forensics expert.)
-Biggest Loser
-amazing race

5. Four places I have visited:
-puerto rico

6. Four people who email me regularly:
-male part enhancement people

7. Four of my favorite foods:
-any kind of yummy appetizer
-chewy fruity candy

8. Four places I would like to be right now:
-vacation (anywhere with a group of my buddies)
-since my kids are front porch would work
-on a cruise ship to an exciting location
-bed is always a happy place for me

9. Four things I'm looking forward to this year:
-hanging out on my porch, watching my kids play
-summer (and holding 2 new tiny babies)
-i can only imagine what God has in store for us.....

10. Four people who should post 4 things:
-emily l.
-jen m.
-stacy m.
-i dont know who else reads this...any of you blog readers who never comment (my sister, for instance) and whoever reads this in norway!!


The Sloterbeeks said...

Who's tiny new babies?

hartcentral said...

not mine..if that is what you are wondering. my sister and my friend. 2 seperate babies- no more womb sharing for me!

Be the Good said...

It is a post indeed.

Jen said...

I except the challenge look for it soon.
Oh and you had me worried about the baby statement. I didn't think you were crazy but on the other hand, think about how easy taking care of just one baby would be, aside from all the not sleeping. :)

Anonymous said...

I read your blog quite often actually. You don't know me, but I find your girls absolutely hilarious. I clicked in from another blog, and I found it interesting. Kudos on blogging. It's a wonderful bloggy world.

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