Tuesday, March 18, 2008

today's talks

lauren, claire and emma are heading down the steps; each with a purse slung over their shoulder. i ask where they are off to and they reply to disney world. i ask if i can come along and lauren says that you need money to go there. "how much" i ask. and she replies "one hundy 20 billion" "wow!" i say "that is a lot of money". i have lots of money, she says. "where did you get all that money" i ask. she answers "my kids are all grown, i got my money back".

just now as we were tucking dramatic claire into bed she is on the verge of totally losing it. i am trying to calm her down and explain that she is tired and that if she chooses to act this way, there will be consequences (i.e. her beloved cubbies tomorrow). she says "i feel as though no one loves me". i tell her she knows that is not true and she says "when i close my eyes my head tells me that no one loves me and if i sleep, no one will like me neither." her therapy bill will start at a young age. increase the flex pay for next year.

**marissa- no need to post a comment. i have had enough badgering for one day. ;)


Jen said...

Oh if only the money thing were true. Here's hoping maybe Lauren knows something that we don't

Emily said...

i love the claire quotes!