Friday, June 13, 2008

children are a gift from God......

children are a gift from God....children are a gift from God....

please pardon my self-reminders. today has been, for lack of a better word- bumpy... at best. a couple of days ago i cleaned and sorted emma and claire's rooms, especially their closets. i headed into anna's room to start hers and it was a total disaster. not in the mood to tackle that, i thought. enter lauren's room and there really are no words. let's just say the child is a hoarder. i.e. a couple of weeks ago i went to change her sheets and found a bunch of stink weed under her covers. she said she put them there because she didn't want me to throw her "flowers" away. i had thoroughly cleaned the playroom on monday and the girls had succeeded in trashing it,so yesterday was 'everybody clean up' day.

you would not believe the moaning.
or the limbs that were now unable to function.

i tried to explain that 2 1/2 days ago it was clean, so with 4 of them working on it- it should not take long. that was 10 am. at 12:40 no one had started. there was a lot of thirst, sadness, rage, and tiredness. lauren actually asked to take a nap until i explained that when she woke up, her pick up duty would be waiting. i also pointed out that i had not made any of the mess and i was cleaning without complaint. point not taken. claire loudly whispered to lauren..'pretty quick she will just do it herself.' lesson on at that point. i gave the children specific jobs and headed into lauren's room. i threw away the plant tags, rocks, toilet paper rolls, used napkins etc. from her shelves and started on the floor. i am on my knees with the garbage bag ready to pick up the carpet debris at top speed. as i round her bed to the left, some of the things are not coming off the floor.


none of the things are coming off the floor.

upon closer inspection i see that the girl has glued things to her carpet. yes folks...GLUE.
so help me.
it is not just one are a few items that were displayed. coins, toilet paper, pebbles, stickers, leaves, candy, a chocolate easter egg, the hair of a barbie doll, wadded up napkin, tags from new clothing.
did i mention that it was blue glue?
f.y.i. it does not dry clear on stays very blue. when i asked why in the world would she glue things to this lovely 5 month old carpet, she replies "you did not tell me not to". ladies and gentlemen, if this is her defense, i am in for a very long lifetime with her. "you didn't tell me which day i had to be home at 11p.m." (her father actually used this curfew excuse, so i guess we know where she gets it from). that's all i have to share, really. there is your update. i don't' find it funny yet. i have not gotten the glue off yet. it needs to be cut. i cannot yet bring myself to do that. needless to say, lauren has lost her glue privileges.


The Sloterbeeks said...

Oh Linds,
I love your posts, they make me feel so normal =)

Jen said...

I feel you pain. Can you move the bed or some other furniture to cover the spots? I know you don't think its funny but, boy, did it make a great post. Good Luck!

Emily said...

I"M LAUGHING SO HARD. I'm so glad you updated. I think I remember us drawing a HUGE clifford the big red dog on your parents' floor, as well as decorating their closet in permanent marker with "Honk if you love Jesus" sayings....

Scott, Stacy, Maddie, Elle and Lola said...

oh. my. word. What a disaster! Sorry to say, but I am laughing at your expense

mckeefamily03 said...

You make me smile, Linds! Thanks for sharing your day....