six years ago today, at 6:18 pm, we met miss anna for the first time. she was 11 days over due and we were more than anxious to see her face. she was a big girl, 9 lbs. 12 oz.....and she had a mop of dark hair with blond streaks through it. she came into the world checking everyone out. besides her daddy, aunt ali was their in the delivery room. she was there because the probability of brian passing out seemed above average and she is, how shall i say it, more considerate, empathetic and compassionate...o yeah and more attentive than my darling husband whom i love deeply. ( we all have different strengths, brian..don't even worry about it.) becoming anna's mom was everything i had hoped it would be. we were/are crazy about that girl. i had a blast reading to her, shopping with her, snuggling her...all the great things you get to do with your first baby. she was a very early talker, walked a little before 1 and in her parent's eyes, was truly one of the most exceptional children ever created! :) she has grown up too fast. now she is all legs with some attitude. no part of her looks like the little girl i still expect her to be. a first grader in the fall, i know the years with her will not slow down. she loves to hear stories of when she was little. like how she used to call herself "nana-biggy hart" or how we called her biggy-smalls because after her almost 10 lb weigh in...she slimmed down into a petite thing, but she thought she was huge. she could wink at 9 months and answered every question with "ahhh....yeah!" her dark hair has turned strawberry blond and she has a whole nose full of freckles. she loves panda bears and wants to be a veterinarian (in china) when she grows up. she tells us she is never moving out (i am not sure how she will go to china?) and she is never marrying. she feels that being the big sister of triplets is "medium". i asked her what makes her so special and she told me it is the nice heart that God gave her.
happy birthday, sweet anna rae.
how is it possible you are already six......
Happy Birthday, Anna! I hope that you had a great day. Six is an awesome age. Enjoy every minute and for your mom's sake, stop growing up to fast.
GREAT new header. I love it! :)
it seems like just yesterday we were coming up to the hospital to meet miss anna!
happy birthday...we love you anna!
Happy Birthday, Anna! This was a very sweet blog. Poor Lindsay -- she was SO big at birth!!!!
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