Today, while we were eating lunch, we were informed that we would be meeting the boys dad in 30 minutes. Needless, to say, it was a little stressful.
The meeting itself.....well, we are still reeling. It will take a while to process today. Also, the orphanage ( where the boys were at first) was hard to see. It was a hard afternoon. We would appreciate your prayers as we sort out the meeting and our hearts.
Tomorrow we get the kids! It doesn't seem real! We have been here less than a week, but it seems we've been here for a long time. We won't be heading to Enat Alem until 2:30.
Anna, Claire, Lauren and Emma....we miss you SO much!! I cannot tell how much I want to be back at home with you!
We will update after we meet the boys ( if we are able)!!
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We love you guys...praying!
We've been following your stories about the trip. Quite an adventure. Something you'll be able to treasure for a lifetime.
We love you and are praying for you and I promise all is good over here!! We'll be thinking of you tommorow when you finally get the boys. The girls are so excited that you will finally get their brothers!!
Excited for tomorrow!!
Surrounding you in prayer.....
SOO much love!!!!
Prayer is surrounding you! You will be home as a family soon. God is good and He is faithful! The girls had a great day yesterday. They went skating and sledding and ate nonstop. They do love those pancakes!! Love you guys
p.s. we just found out that tomorrow when we wake up you will be meeting the boys. the girls think that is so cool. so there will be lots of excitement tomorrow morning!! :)
So many thoughts and prayers for you! Lots of love!
The day you've been waiting for! May God pour out His favor on you Lindsay and Brian, as we cover you and your boys with our prayers. God work...providing...preserving...sustaining... strength- ening...protecting...redeeming... just as He providing...pursuing...uniting...comforting... and loving...ALWAYS loving. So glad you know where your strength lies!! Loving you, Cherrie
I will be thinking of you tomorrow and pray that all goes well! I'm so excited for you! How wonderful that you finally get to meet the boys and physically have them in your presence! May you feel God's peace and presence throughout the day!
Oh, so excited for you both and the girls. I can only imagine how this all must feel to you with all the waiting. What a special day tomorrow will be!! Can't wait to hear all about it! We will continue to pray....Hollyp
Bountiful Blessings to you!
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