Monday, December 1, 2008


i knew it was time for an update since my last post included the word 'sun' and there is absolutely no sign of my friend, the sun, here in michigan. alas, winter has arrived. since our last visit, i have hosted thanksgiving, made my first turkey ( with the help of my hubby), and completed my christmas shopping and wrapping. whew. my friend and i headed out last friday at 3:45 a.m. to do some shopping. there was nothing we really needed, but decided to go anyway. the lesson I learned from the lady in line at kohls was to take an extra 5 minutes and brush your hair and teeth before heading to the mall, even at an early hour. it just doesn't take that much time. walmart was its own freaky beast. the woman in front of me had kleenex stuffed up both nostrils... and chatted with me like she had no idea or she was glad they were there! in conclusion, I loved it and intend to do it every year. we did make a safety plan and decided to avoid walmart when they first opened, for fear of death by trampling. we will take what we gleaned from this year and avoid walmart all together next year. the crayola bucket is just not worth it. i have a deepish wound on my hand from one aggresive walmart shopper who wanted the high school musical furry crocs something fierce.

I hope you had a great thanksgiving. I was going to share what i am thankful for, but Lauren's whining and hurling herself on me is diminishing my thankful spirit.....

happy december, friends.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I am glad that Thanksgiving went well. Good for you cooking the turkey!
And I so know what you mean, kids can suck the good spirit out of you so fast.