Monday, May 12, 2008

a happy mother's day.....

yesterday was a lovely day involving breakfast in bed and a birthday party for the girls in the evening. the girls had done fairly well delivering their gift of a day of no whining or crying or fighting (the best gift ever, really!). we were racing downstairs to surprise daddy by being all ready for bed when he got home...while i was helping lauren on the potty i was recapping the day and thinking how lucky i am and how this smooth day was a good indication of our days to come with the girls almost turning 4....i hear screaming. i run up the stairs. i hear gagging. i hear sobbing. i round the corner and see vomit (at least a half a dozen piles of it) all over the hallway. and running down the walls. i ask anna what happened and she said she was going potty and her pee smelled, so she threw up. seriously, who throws up over the smell of their own pee? and we should have the girl drink more water apparently.) i ask why she didnt throw up in the toilet instead of walking out into the hallway to do it. "MOM, the PEE was in there!!" oh. right. i now realize that claire is sobbing somewhere in the house. i head to the vomit hallway and notice that the piles have footprints in them. i find claire in a ball on the floor of the office. next to guessed it!!! vomit. claire walked down the hall and through the throw-up and when she discovered what her bare feet had ventured bet!! she ran right into the office to puke.

blah, blah get the kids cleaned up and into jammies (or a princess dress with high heels for emma) and into bed. brian arrives home and all appears serene. he comes and sits down by me and i recap the last 15 minutes. he chuckles and says "happy mother's day.". i am pretty sure he was not sad to have missed it!!


Jen said...

I am really speechless. Happy Mother's day indeed.

Emily said...

and i thought mine was bad