Tuesday, April 29, 2008

shower hymn (emma style)

today was one of my greatest highlights of parenthood. if i could have videotaped it, it would have made your day as well. this morning, while i was getting ready- emma was in the shower. now, when you shut the shower door for her, she is in a world of her own. a couple of minutes in, she begins to sing...very loudly. so loudly, in fact, that her little voice is squeaking. the lyrics are posted below. i wish i could help you out with the accompaniment, but it was a tune i have never heard. also- the lyrics are original. caution: they don't totally adhere to Calvinist standards.

"Jeeee-sus- died on a cross.
now He es in hea....ven.
grammy harlene's mom is there too.

Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-sus died on a big cross.
not when he was a tiny boy.
when he was a teeny baby he lived in a box.

Jeeeeee-sus died on a cross.
He was a grown up.
like my daaaaaaa-ddy.

He was tough and sturdy (i am not kidding, the girl said tough and sturdy)
when he died on a cross.
He didn't like it.
But now He es in hea------ven
like a tiny baby (?)"

is that not the sweetest (though odd) thing you have ever heard.


The Sloterbeeks said...

very cute,amazing what they pick up and put together isn't it?

Jen said...

how awesome, I can tell that you are quite proud.

Emily said...

I'm dying laughing. She is so cute. Wish I could hear it. I was just waiting for another post about those funny girls of yours.