Tuesday, January 26, 2010

the great big update.

oooh, it has been so long. too long. in my head, i have composed daily blog posts. on the computer, not so much. here it is....a brief recap of the past 9 months!

much here is still the same. anna is freaking hilarious and has grown about 12 feet. the trips are loving kindergarten and growing way too fast. we have been blessed with healthy and amazing children, and we are trying to appreciate all we have. this morning for instance...the girls arrive in our room at 6:59 am and by 7, there is a full fledged fight about claire holding onto the toothpaste, while looking for her toothbrush. meanwhile, emma is toothbrush ready, and so so sad that claire won't release her grip on the glister. so, you know....trying to appreciate life's big moments! :)

in other news- there are 2 more hart children out there!! 2 sweet boys with our last name are awaiting us in Ethiopia. How's that for an update!! Brian and I will be leaving in "8 sleeps" to meet our boys, see their beautiful birthplace, and take them home to their new life here with us. God never ceases to blow our minds!

here is the history, in case you don't know it. last December (2008), we decided to listen to the prompting in our hearts and move forward with adoption. we have a love for africa and that seemed to be our direction. we told our caseworker we were open to a child 0-4 years old, knowing we would probably find a child in the 2-4 year old range. She asked us if we were open to siblings and we said yes we were. we were not anticipating this would happen, because many families are waiting only for siblings. we signed our names, read the books, relied on a God who already knew how this would play out....and we waited.

fast forward to november 2009. i receive a phone call late in the afternoon. caller i.d. reveals that it is, indeed, our agency. I try to remain calm, but am puking a little in my mouth. brian is currently in california (or germany). I answer and she says, "I have a referral to talk to you about". right at that moment, my phone starts beeping 'low battery'. through the beeping i hear "2 boys" and something about 4. umm, let me call you back, and did you say twins? because that would be a real hoot, God!! turns out, no twins. but a beautiful 4 year old and his chubby cheeked 4 month old baby brother. wowzers. i feverishly wrote down the info, squeezed emma tight, called my hubby (who never answers his phone), and ran outside to tackle my neighbor with the news!! brian finally called me back SEVEN HOURS later, and confirmed what i knew as soon as my email loaded those pics....his words "those are my boys". amen to that.

on the 4th of january, we passed court. Chala and Yonas Tesfaye are now officially ours.

rooms were set up. clothes were gathered. a crib was set up (who knew!). prayers continued. and now, in 8 short days...the final leg of this adoption will end and our new (amazing) lives will begin.

there is so much that goes with this story. most of it, too hard to put into words. i will tell you that this has been the most amazing journey that brian and i have ever been invited to walk. God is so good and we have been so thrilled seeing His plan for our family unfold.

so, that is the update. life is changing. we have 6 kiddos. (we still choke and laugh every time we say that.) i will put pics on here as soon as my husband shows me how to access them.

the next updates will be from Ethiopia!! we will spend 10 days there and will send updates as much as we can! we covet your prayers for the boys and their adjustment to another huge life change. and also for our family as we figure out this new life together.

the hart girls + 2 sweet boys=a miracle. we are eternally grateful to be chosen for this.
