Saturday, February 14, 2009

a request from me.

**to clarify- this post was not intended to bash breastfeeding. This was written ONLY for gymnastics lady, who for whatever reason, wants to nurse for a full hour...which we all know is not needed now nor was it necessary when milk lips was born. My apologies to any who were offended in the writing of this blog. It was truly not my intent.

dear lady at the gymnastics place,

i am truly glad that breastfeeding your 18+ month old has been so "rewarding" for you. i even try to assume the mutual "enjoyment" you speak of is real, even as your child is constantly flailing and trying to escape your infant hold. i even can come up with some good reasons why she needs to be constantly nursed, even into her 2nd year of life, while asking for a cookie or an apple. please, lady with the smallish head, please...just one request. while i try to ignore the whole "forced enjoyment" you two have going on, please dont chase around the escaped toddler yelling... "c'mere, milk lips! c'mere milk lips! mommy gonna get you!" because at that point, there is no safe place for my mind.

thank you. give milk lips my best.


Scott, Stacy, Maddie, Elle and Lola said...

oh my word... disgusting! milk lips?!?!?! UGH

Jen said...

Um, no!!!! That in my book is taking it too far.

Emily said...

I'm laughing so hard! People are nuts. I saw some 20/20 on breastfeeding lately and this one lady in England was b-feeding her EIGHT year old who "loves Mummy's milk much better than ice cream." Nasty.

gracie said...

Hi there! Next time we are in MI with Emily, we want to see you! I would love that. Also, always wanted to tell you that because of the "3 little birds" song on your blog, I got Eli & Maddie a CD by Elizabeth Mitchell for Christmas. Always love your posts. Hi to the fam for us ok?

Tom said...

Post more often - you are SO funny! :)

The Sloterbeeks said...

As a currently breastfeeding mom ...That is hilarious -you crack me up. Ick I think that woman has some issues.

Emily said...

I need another hilarious Lindsay post.