Saturday, September 13, 2008

who does that???

i read a blog where this lady posted the less than great things she did that day (or recently) but stated them in denial form...ok, bad explanation- but you are smart and i know you will catch on. then let me know what you "have NOT done" lately!!

* i did NOT tell lauren to go ahead and eat the sucker she dropped on the floor at costco because the floor there is really clean.

* i did not tell my children that there are children with no food who would be thrilled to eat their supper (because i swore i would never say that..)

* i did not tell emma that if she did not eat her turkey, she would not be going to school that day.

* i did not streak down the stairs to the laundry room in the buff because i was not content with the underwear options in my drawer.

* i did not tell my children that if they keep waking up during the night, their brains will not grow.

* i do not have an unusual love of junk food and i do not, on some days, eat all junk, all day.

that is all i can think of for now..i had a lot more but my brain is not working...i hope i am not the only parent who does not do these things.


Emily said...

This one is so funny. How do you think of that?!?

* i did not tell my children that if they keep waking up during the night, their brains will not grow.

Jen said...

very funny, LOL! I am going to have to remember this one.

Emily said...

New blog!