Monday, December 24, 2007

you know you are behind on laundry when....

*you ask your 3 year old to run upstairs and put on some big girl panties...later that night when you are getting her p.j.'s on, you see she has been wearing a bathing suit bottom all day long.

*your children are taking turns jumping into the dirty clothes pile and saying "WHEE!"

* your daughter's legs are cold and she cannot find any clean pants so she puts on a dress and puts her legs in the arm holes to keep warm.



Be the Good said...

All you have to do is say, "would you please show me how to post a video to my blog? I can't figure it out!". I would be happy to show you. No need for the little green monster.

Jen said...

I know what you mean. I stopped counting how many loads of laundry I did yesterday after I got past 8 loads. It is the job that never ends.