Monday, October 29, 2007

summer pics (finally)

here are some photos from this summer. of course, it went so fast. i am also unable to recall when my girls started to look so grown up. when i think that their next birthdays will make them 4 and 6...i get a little panicky. i don't have enough memories for that many years to have gone by (it doesn't help that i remember almost nothing of their first year). these ages have crept up on me (i was probably doing laundry when it happened). i hope the next couple slow down, but i doubt they will.


Be the Good said...

I'm glad you included the pic of the betrothed!

hartcentral said...

how could i is pretty sweet.

Jen said...

Love the pictures. You have an awesome family. You are right time truly does fly. It does seem fair.

Jen said...

I think that going out to dinner would be great fun. We are leaving for Vegas tomrrow so I think we will have to give grandparents a break after for a while (Yes, we are leaving all the kids behind Yeah and Yikes). But after that, lets go out.

Emily said...

Those kids could NOT be sweeter or cuter. I need to see halloween pics!