Friday, October 5, 2007


i have been checking out some of my favorite blogs, wishing that people would update them...hoping to read something new-- then i recalled that my own blog has been lacking as well. there is not a whole lot to report. the past few weeks have been flying by. i find that the girls, school, awana, soccer, bible study and building a house does not leave a lot of extra time. (btw- if this blog doesnt make much sense, it is because i am on hold with the insurance company and they are "working hard to get to my call". i am caller #33. the hold music is a bit distracting.)
here are some snips from our life the past weeks:

yesterday (and today, actually) the fighting and whining in our house (and car and backyard) has been ridiculous. every friday, anna has a memory verse to learn for kindergarten. yesterday she put that scripture to work. she walked in the middle of a spat, spread out her arms and informed her sisters that "even a child is known by his actions." emma replied, "ANNA, that makes me's sad." it still makes me chuckle, though it did not inspire a change in attitude!!!

the girls "3" school teacher informed me that claire requested prayer for the wood floor in our new house. they had come along with me that day to look at flooring samples and i commented that this would be a hard decision. apparently, claire thought she should take it to the Lord!!

anna has started her first year of soccer. she scored the first goal of the first game, but now everytime one of her teammates scores she says "i got another one!!". at the last game, brian's mom brought m&ms. during their water break anna had a couple but then needed to get back out on the field. after a couple minutes of playing, she requested to sit on the sidelines for a break. turns out that she was worried her sisters were going to eat all of the m&m's while she was playing. not real competitive, i guess.

that is really it around here. our house is getting there. the windows are in, the roof is on and the siding starts today. since claire has asked for blessing on the wood floor, it should all come together nicely!!

1 comment:

Be the Good said...

You have been tagged. Please see my blog for the rules of the game.