Thursday, August 16, 2007

humble thyself

two quick stories about my lessons in being humble today.
first, i was in the shower (it seemed like it was still dark was too early to be awake, for sure.) anyway, lauren throws back the curtain and starts chattering at me. she pauses for a second and then says " why you got stripes?" i look down and see she is pointing at my stretch marks. nice. my stripes have not faded... no bikini for me, i guess.
second. we are preparing to move this weekend and life has been hectic. the laundry has been neglected, so it became my mission for the last few days. i went to start another load and realized that i could see the bottom of the hamper!! i walked into the kitchen and said to the girls " yeah mommy, i am all caught up on laundry!" feeling inspired i walk into lauren's room and find a hamper crammed full and then walk into our bathroom and see the clothing destruction from the girls' 3 baths this morning. as i pick it up, anna walks up and says ,"guess you cheered too early." apparently so.


Be the Good said...

In all seriousness...who has time to blog now???????

hartcentral said...

who has time to check and comment. why dont you go pack some boxes....

Be the Good said...

I would but I'm too busy trying to clean your house for you!!!!!!

Emily said...

new blog please!