Wednesday, April 25, 2007

hold your judgements

ok, before i begin- let's get a few things straight. i have received a few less- than- friendly comments on our "inadequate blogging". first of all, i told you that would be the case. secondly, if you have seen my basement- i should not be blogging at all. especially because there is a "for sale" sign in our yard, and our house has a better chance of being condemned than selling! i have also noticed that the only comments we receive on our blog are from other bloggers, they know the hurt of 0 comments and take a stand against "blog-gawkers". so for those of you who are checking our blog 20 times a day (i.e. jeff), this will be your jackpot.

claire, lauren and emma are going to be 3 in a few weeks. shocking, isn't it? i remember breaking life down into weeks those first few months. when the girls were 8 weeks old, i remember thinking "i have made it 8 8 more weeks they will be 16 weeks old" weeks/days/moments at a time made it seem less overwhelming. when i was pregnant with anna, i could picture her at different stages in life. i did not do that with the girls. too many unknowns, i guess. now, i often find myself in moments of "i didn't think of that"....and those are what makes my life so rich. here are a couple of examples...

-3 big bike riders, cruising down the sidewalk. (lauren in a size 6-8year old helmet- she has a larger size head!) i didn't seem like they would ever be independent of me, and just like that....

-i assumed that because of the close proximity in the womb, they would be more alike. not so, completely separate personalities, voices, noses...(so far no one has sported one like mine- may their luck continue).

-who knew that i would know whose hand i am holding without even looking down. it gets me every time.

-they speak. a lot. i never thought beyond the "meet my needs" cries of the first year. along with the whining, they sing and laugh and count. (honesty check, usually there is a least 1 whining while the singing is going on), but a van full of giggles makes it worth it.

anna likes to talk about "how i got to be the mom". she says God knew her and i would be a good fit because she love milkshakes and i drank a lot of them when i was pregnant with her! and because i love her best and most. it is girls and i are a good fit (minus our occasional 'piece the wrong way'). each one of them brings a part that makes up our life and completes it. i wonder if i will be back to 8-week junks of life when they are about 13.....


gracie said...

The part about "knowing whose hand you're holding without looking down" is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. Do they all have skinny hands like you when you were little? Yours were skinny, and Emily's were squishy when you held them.

Jeff said...

For the record, I check the blog once a day, and even that's automated. Talk to Brian about his habitual exaggeration to get the rest of the story. At any rate, I'll let Jen know there's new free content to read and now you have a comment from me so I'm no longer just a gawker.

hartcentral said...

mrs. huitsing...a little of both, i guess. claire has warm, puffy hands and emma's are little and fine....lauren's are kind of in the middle. hope you are doing well!! lindsay

hartcentral said...

jeff...if you are reading this, your "automated" blog checker must need some tweeking!! even so, it was down right thrilling to see your name in the comments section! jen- i am thinking of you and will visit soon. any books or magazines you would like to read??

Emily said...

This part made me cry. And I don't think it's just b/c I'm filled with PG hormones.

"who knew that i would know whose hand i am holding without even looking down. it gets me every time."

Mom, I do not have squishy hands.

Jen said...

thanks for the thoughts. I am coping. I love reading your stories. It gives me hope that this pregnancy stage can and will end well.

Emily said...

Ok, your turn to provide an update, please!