Sunday, August 31, 2008

welcome #5

we just arrived home from this will be brief.

just wanted to inform all of you that we have an addition to our family!! before the rumor mill goes bonkers, let me clarify that he is a 16 year old exchange student who will be living with us for 10 months. we found out he was coming for sure on wednesday and he arrived yesterday. we thought we would break him in to some classy american style by bringing the poor kid camping on his first day in america. he thought ludington was a "beautiful and joyful place"...i asked if he thought he would like to go camping some time and he said "i did not say that much." funny. anyway, i have lots of summer pics to show you now that summer is over...

maybe tomorrow i will get those on here.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

is this a bad sign?

so, the girls and i decided to bake some cookies this morning. (butterscotch oatmeal for those who are curious.) i get all the ingredients into the bowl, plug in my hand mixer and get to mixing. seriously, 3-4 minutes later i say to the girls "what is the deal, these are not mixing very well (or not at all!) i look down and see i never put the beaters into the mixer. it might be a long day around here.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Q & A 1st round answers

jen came up with some good questions, so instead of a lengthy answer in is a new post.

A: i have not played any recent practical jokes. though i do have one in mind for my neighbor. i do feel as though i get, on average, one joke played on me by life daily.

A: did the stains come out? i am sort of a rock star of stain removal. you know they did, with the help of some strong (non-toxic) cleaner and a few rounds of me and the rag vs. the carpet, mattress, etc. i did just notice a few more blue glue clumps that i need to cut out of the carpet. another hidden perk of being a hairstylist. :)

A: how is brian's job going? great. this is brian, however, who never complains and enjoys everything he does. he misses some of the old people (i.e. jeff) but overall feels he made the right choice for himself, our family and his future. go b!!

A: what is the noise level in the house? at any given moment if you were to put a glass up to the door ( who am i kidding, you do not need a glass!) there is noise of varying levels of intensity. i will say, it is never quiet. if it was would mean a big problem like unconsciousness or weak attempts to get the wood glue off the dresser. there is almost always someone whining, someone crying, someone screaming and someone tattling, and someone hiding smugly. 95% of the time 1 person (starts with an E..) can be making all of the above noises, all by herself. there are good noise days, like when they are outside and getting along, or when they are putting on a show or gymnastics routine. or when all you here is small girl breathing while listening intently to a story i am reading. i love those days.

A: would i be on a reality show? oh sister, you know i would. not even a question. i want to be on the mole the most. i would not do survivor because i have a gag problem and refuse to eat bugs. anything else, i would be up for. i would also like to host wipeout. i truly enjoy watching people wipe out. they would not even have to pay me.

A: my perfect day.....any day on vacation (ok, vacation w/o the kiddos) ..not forever, just a week or so. slow starting mornings, delicious coffee. a quiet shower where i get to shave above the knee and my armpits all in the same day. a good book (or 7 of them) a slight breeze...a yummy drink...a delicious favorite friends and our spouses... money to do what we want on vacation...perfect weather...a night of great sleep. that would be a great day. i would not come right home after that day. i need 7 of those days in a row.

A: jen, i think you would agree...there is no way i could pick just 1 food to eat forever. some of them (if i would never gain a pound doing it) would be my sister's homemade chocolate cake, pizza (different types, from different places) some yummy fish dish that i did not prepare...brownies (in case the chocolate cake was not enough) fruits and veggies (again not prepared by me) any sort of pasta.....

there you go. i am sure you feel more connected to me than ever before. this is kind of fun...if you think of anymore, i will answer them!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Q & A

hello folks..i am here, but feeling a bit brain dead. i decided to use jen's blog idea and allow you all to ask questions about me, the girls, anything you are wondering about....ask away and i will answer as best i can.

hope you are all enjoying this last month of summer!!
