Monday, December 24, 2007

you know you are behind on laundry when....

*you ask your 3 year old to run upstairs and put on some big girl panties...later that night when you are getting her p.j.'s on, you see she has been wearing a bathing suit bottom all day long.

*your children are taking turns jumping into the dirty clothes pile and saying "WHEE!"

* your daughter's legs are cold and she cannot find any clean pants so she puts on a dress and puts her legs in the arm holes to keep warm.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

conversation with claire.

claire: "i know the most righteous kangaroo."

me: "the most righteous kangaroo?"

claire: "yes."

me: "wow. who is the most righteous kangaroo?"

claire: "roo."

me: "and what makes roo righteous?"

claire: "he just loves God so much, and is so much nice."

there you have it, my 3 year old has an understanding of rightousness and apparently roo walks with God. who knew?