Wednesday, November 28, 2007

new (but boring) post

i have been waiting for something funny or entertaining to happen for me to blog about. so far, no luck. so today, i will share my day thus far. actually, i will back up to last night. i stopped by our house (the one we are building) and had to hike down to the place where the key is hidden. it is dark, and cold, and steep and to my surprise....newly graded!! i start out thinking that i will walk down on the retaining wall. i discover that the steps are too tiny for my foot to fit. no fear, i will descend the mini mountain (in the dark and cold, remember). step 1: i realize that i am sinking into the freshly spread dirt. this is not a small amount of dirt, either. step 2. i realize i am launching downward. the rest is a dirty blur, really...except for the loudish snap/crack noise. i am not going to lie to part of it was coordinated. after looking up (picture on all fours) to see if the neighbors-to-be witnessed my fall; i crawled over to my house and tried to catch my breath. there was a decent amount of pain involved at this point. i was surprised to see my foot was still attached. fearing i would have to spend the night at the bottom of the incline, in the frigid temps...i was relieved to find my cell phone safely in my pocket. (you never know after such a high impact fall!) i call my trusty neighbor to please retrieve me. with her assistance, i hop into the warmth of her basement. i appreciated her looks of concern until a meanish smirk appeared. she comments " i wish i could have seen it". followed by some sort of cackle. the pain subsides a bit. i attribute that to my past in athletics. i decide i am ok. i am thankful i can walk on it, because we are leaving for disney in 2 days. could you imagine 3 triplets, 4 strollers and a wheelchair? no problem, it is forward through the night. i roll over in bed and catch a glance at the alarm clock. 7:35 am. anna's school starts at 7:50 am. i quietly curse brian's name (for he forgot to set the alarm) and rocket out of bed. nope. not so fast. the foot is not great this morning. i hobble around, bribing anna with money if she will please put her socks on and brush her teeth. she reminds me it is library day. crap. i know the location of one book, but the other book is MIA. she reminds me again that last week she did not get to check out new books b/c we (me) did not remember library day then, either. nuts. i tell her to hop in the van and i will come back home, locate the book and bring it to school BEFORE library. i hop anna into school, hobble back out (f.y.i no bra, no brushed teeth. not good) head home and get the girls breakfast. hop into the shower. it is now 8:20 and the girls start school at 8:55 and i have a dr.'s appt. in grandville at 9:15. no problem. dress the girls, do their hair, put on shoes, put on coat, warm up van, dress self, do hair...out the door. typical fight about whose day it is, followed by my speech of it is too early for this fighting, everyone is taking a nap today...yada yada yada. backing out...lauren is snack girl today. back into the house. throw some goldfish in a storage bag. lauren cries b/c "that is not a good snack" and ashley's mom made fruit kabobs. if i had a kabob right now, i would poke it in my eye. drop off at school, off to the doctor. flu shot, pnuemonia shot, more blood work. dr. to lindsay "why are you limping?" l replies "i wiped out last night." dr. removes sock, notes the greenish top to my foot and says "that doesnt look good." off to urgent care for x-ray. off to lab for more blood. head back to get the girls. realize anna forgot her hat and gloves..detour at her school. get girls, locate missing library book..back to school. now, i have turned on the fireplace and sit down to blog. the girls are finding "teensy-tiny" things to hide in various places. anna's bus is about to arrive...that means that is all. have a great day!! i will update when i hear the x-ray results.

Monday, November 12, 2007

high school reunion

my 10 year high school reunion is coming up in 2 weeks. i still have not sent in my response card, because i cannot decide if i am going or not. 98% of the time, i am definitely not going. brian says we should go because i may never see these people again. most of them i have not seen in these past 10 years anyway...will i regret not seeing them for another 10? i would like to see the guest list...that would make my decision easier. i would also like to observe the reunion from a secret room. my motives for going....#1. i am curious. i wonder who will go, what they will look like, what they are up to. that is it, really. one reason. i enjoyed high school...but the me i was then is not the me now. i have nothing to prove. (oh wait, i could show everyone that i discovered eye brow waxing. if only someone had told me back then!!) i have not invented anything. i do not own a helicopter. my claim to fame is that i had triplets. i am not sure i am up to the people pretending they did not know i had triplets (it is hudsonville...everyone knows), followed by "did you KNOW you were having triplets??" (nope, they just kept coming) and "were they natural?" (nope, i had a c-section). i hardly recognize the girl from the class of 1997. will i still feel the need to be the bubbly, joking," keep the conversation going" girl. (ok, so sometimes i still do). i am sure everyone feels like a different person than they used to be. if not, that is a bit sad. so...should i go- should i not? your opinions are appreciated. too bad i can't share some pics from back in the day. wooo-baby. you would be proud to say you knew me.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

last saturday, while brian and i were running some house building errands, the girls spent some time with their beloved harlene. on the way to church on sunday...we drove past the georgetown cemetery. lauren says, " harlene's mom is buried there!! she tooked us to see her.". claire says, "yeah, we had to drive in there, because we were not sure which rock she died on." after stuffing our laughs for sensitive claire, i tried to explain that i don't think harlene's mom died IN the cemetery and she informed me, "yes, harlene told me, she DID die on one of those rocks." i guess we will leave it at that.