Wednesday, May 9, 2007

unfinished business...

this wretched blog has become another example of the things in my life that i am unable to get done. i wish i had more to tell you- but unless you want more public restroom stories....this pot is dry. hmmm- what to write, what to write. did you know that i cannot bite down into a piece of pizza? something about the sauce creeping up in between my teeth. i have always and will always, rip my pizza into pieces and pop them in my mouth. i wonder how many of you knew that? random, i know. here are some more random facts about me.

1. my most embarassing moment. there have been so many. knocking over an entire trash container of empty pop cans when i was a freshman ranks as a top one. the 8 million pop cans went right into the middle of a group of (heartless) senior guys who were eating their lunch in the hallway. i attempted to run away, but the (cruel) teacher made me walk in the middle of this group and pick them up. here is the part that will make you wince. this group of guys (probably 20 of them) started throwing the empty cans at me while i picked them up. jerks.

2. time i laughed the hardest...well, the last time i laughed so hard that my stomach ached was when my neighbor attempted to prove something by trying out my speed skates. to be fair, she lacks the athletic prowess that comes so naturally to me! anyway, she strapped on anna's bike helmet and tried to sturdy herself. please note: these are no ordinary skates. aside from multi-colored neon laces, they had german bearings. we are talking danger fast here! it was a pathetic start, which she blamed on some pebbles on the sidewalk. she started to gain some speed down the driveway only to have to ditch into the grass to avoid oncoming traffic. it was sad and hilarious. my cheeks still felt fatigued the next day. it taught me an important lesson....some of us are not as gifted as others.

3. most helpless/scared/sad... when the doctors came in and told me that emma had a stroke. seeing them recesitate her. wondering where God was going with that situation.

4.i am most annoyed by: people who cut me off in the grocery store ailse (it is not easy to stop a jumbo cart) and then stop right in the middle of the aisle. completely oblivious to the fact that i want to ram them in the back of the ankles.

5. nothing tastes better than coca-cola from a fountain. mmmmm.

6. i am still scared of "back basements" because my sister and her friend used to wrap emily h. and i up in gymnastics mats and tie us to a pole or on top of the freezer. nice. more therapy for me.

7. i used to tell people that i was the real orphan annie. sad, isn't it?

8. i now, at times, tell my children that there are kids in this world that have no they should eat their's and be grateful. i swore i would never do that.

well, i think i will stop this list now. it is a post. something to read. good enough.

have a great day, everybody!!